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Free two week trial

timeware® UK Ltd offers a free two-week trial of Suprema Inc. attendance devices to timeware® software customers using outdated attendance hardware. The trial features face-recognition, fingerprint, or proximity capabilities, and includes installation by a technician who enrols employees' biometric or proximity data.

A network point that supports PoE is required.

The trial allows timeware® software customers to experience the benefits of advanced attendance devices and their potential to optimise workforce management.

Suprema BioStation 3
BioStation 3
Face recognition and proximity device with large display.
Suprema X-Station 2
X-Station 2
Proximity device with large display.
Suprema X-Station 2 - fingerprint
X-Station 2
Face recognition and proximity device with large display.

If you are interested in taking part in this legacy device replacement program, please contact Charlotte Kavanagh on or call +44 (0)1706 658222